CHAQS is an instructive CTF (Capture The Flag) game that performs the basic functions of an operating system. While it meets your expectations from an operating system to a certain extent with the applications it contains, CHAQS progresses in the direction of more challenges in terms of gameplay. Therefore, it meets the visual needs of the user with its graphical interface, but the terminal creates the entire game aspect of CHAQS. Although all of the terminal commands are written to meet gaming needs, some of them can operate outside of these needs. The prepared challenges do not fully reflect real-world ethical hacking, they are similar. The interface, the challenges and the entire game are designed to suit all users.
amorse : morse encoded audio file analyzer and morse audio encoder
ascii : a character encoding standard for electronic communication
audiodecoder : creates frequency spectrograms from pre-recorded signals
base32 : encoding method that uses printable ASCII characters
base58 : an encoding scheme with an alphabet of 58 characters
base64 : encode/decode data and print to standard output
binary : represent text as a sequence of binary digits 0 and 1
brainfuck : brainfuck programming language interpreter
calculate : command line calculator
cal : displays a calendar and the date
cat : concatenate files and print on the standard output
cd : change current directory
challenges : opens challenge window
charon : a very fast network logon cracker which supports many different services
clone : clones file in the CHAQS repository
count : counts files and directories
cp : copy files
cpdir : copy directories
cronjob : a job scheduler
curl : transfer a file
df : report file system disk space usage
diff : compare files line by line
dig : DNS lookup utility
dirbuster : force URIs including directories and files as well as DNS subdomains.
disconnect : terminates the remote server connection
dna : code sequence encoder/decoder
dtmf : dual tone multifrequency signaling analyzer
du : estimate file space usage
echo : display a line of text
enum4chaqs : attempts to get the userlist and OS information from the IP
execute : C# code compiler
exifsm : shows EXIF information in JPEG files
extract : a file transfer tool from CHAQS to user OS
fibonacci : returns the nth number in the sequence
file : determine file type
find : search for files in a directory hierarchy
free : display amount of free and used memory in the system
grep : print lines that match patterns
hash-identifier : identify the different types of hashes
head : output the first part of files
hex : hexadecimal converter
hostname : show the system's host name
imager : image creator
imap : network exploration tool and port scanner
import : a file transfer tool from user OS to CHAQS
interface : menu interface adapter
ip : shows the current ip address.
linq2chaqs : string manipulation utility.
logname : print user's login name
ls : list directory contents
mkdir : make directories
morse : a code for translating letters to dots and dashes
mv : move files
mvdir : move directories
nc : line utility for reading and writing data between two computer networks
nevr : a tool to find weak passwords of your users
permutation : permutations of a string
ping : send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network host
piet : piet programming language interpreter
pwd : print name of current/working directory
pwsh+ : line shell and .NET REPL
qrsm : qr code decoder and qr code generator
rename : rename file
renamedir : rename directory
rm : remove files
rmdir : remove directories
rot : replaces a letter in the alphabet according to its shift number
service : run a System V init script
sort : sort lines of text file contents
sqlmap : a penetration testing tool for SQL injection vulnerability
ssh : OpenSSH remote login client
steg : steganography program which hides string in some of the least significant bits of image file
stegoimage : a steganography program
strings : print the strings of printable characters in files
submit : checks the correctness of user input
sysinfo : return system information
tail : output the last part of files
touch : create an empty file
traceroute : print the route packets trace to network host
trash : moves the file or directory to the trash
tree : recursive directory listing command
uname : print system information
unzip : list, test and extract compressed files in a ZIP archive
upload : upload a file
uptime : system uptime
vigenere : alphabetic text encoder-decoder
wc : print newline, word, and byte counts for each file
wget : interactive network downloader
whatis : line manual page descriptions
whitespace : whitespace programming language interpreter
whoami : prints effective userid
whois : client for the whois directory service
xor : returns the xor result of the given expression
Invitation : Intruder
Fundamental 1 : Embark on the journey of learning the fundamentals of CHAQS
Fundamental 2 : Continue your learning CHAQS journey with part two.
Fundamental 3 : The last of the trilogy
Decryption : What is a hash and how to crack?
Reconnaissance : Learn to use dig, imap, nc, ping, traceroute and whois
Charon : Learn about Charon to bruteforce and obtain a website's credentials.
S#cr3T : Learn about ciphers, spectrogram and steganography
Hat : An exercise to repeat what you have learned
Essence : Sharpening up your CHAQS skill
I'm in the zone : Cauition!
Geolocating Images : The identification of geographic location from image
Regex : Regular Expression
DIRection : Simplicity in complexity
Permutations of white : Seeing the white in the white
C# : Programming language
Statements : Keep learning about the C# programming language
Hash me : If you can
Dark side of the moon : Keep it dark or shine a light
Don't forget your base : Recovery
Sql Injection : Understand how SQL injection attacks work and use sqlmap to exploit the web application
Emag : Different perspective
PCAP or it didn't happen: Capture the packets
Same but different : It's not what it seems
Rabbit hole : Follow the white rabbit
Congratulations : All done